PhaseOne Health

PhaseOne has a patented process to effectively bottle HOCl (Hypochlorous Acid), a powerful anti-microbial that is naturally produced by the human body to fight infection. HOCl has been extremely difficult to bottle as it loses effectiveness and stability when exposed to oxygen.

PhaseOne Health website page
PhaseOne Health website page


In discussions with doctors and nurses, there was a low awareness of HOCl and its uses. The challenge was to create awareness of the amazing benefits of HOCl for wound care and surgical procedures. Other HOCl brands in the market are not as stable or effective and PhaseOne needed to clearly demonstrate its superior performance.


We positioned PhaseOne as the most effective and stable HOCl by using direct, head-to-head comparisons to the four leading competitors. We redesigned the website to create a simple and clear story. Every month PhaseOne is growing and gaining market share. 

Visit their new website

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Cielo Tequila

