Wayne Dalton — Using Jesus(?) as Spokesperson

The International Builders’ Show presents a great opportunity to market and sell to the homebuilder industry. Wayne Dalton, a leading manufacturer of garage doors, openers, and other home products, wanted to make a major splash at the show. In addition to their multistory, 120’ X 120’ booth, they purchased additional signage throughout the exhibition space. One element was a 60’ long banner prominently displayed above a high-volume entryway. What should we do with the space?

Cult proposed an edgy but humorous and creative idea to get attention and stimulate word-of-mouth. The creative, shown here, features the pearly gates of heaven, the entrance portal adorned with a Wayne Dalton garage door and garage door opener.

Billboard creative concept of Wayne Dalton garage door

Here’s where it got a bit crazy. An attendee, who is also a church reverend on weekends, took offense to the concept and accused Wayne Dalton of using Jesus as a spokesperson. He contacted CNN who did a story on the whole thing. I was interviewed about using Jesus as a spokesperson and my response was, “First, it’s obviously not Jesus. It’s St. Peter, who guards the pearly gates. Second, it’s meant to be funny. Third, why would Jesus/St. Peter endorse a garage door without a celebrity endorsement contract?”

They say all PR is good PR. In this case, I’d say we got a really good bang for the buck for a 60’ product banner. Everything is an opportunity. What’s yours?

Let’s talk about how Cult Marketing can help you identify edgy yet creative ways to get attention.

Doug McIntyre

Doug is the Founder and CEO of Cult Marketing, launched in 2004. Doug has taken a key role in developing Cult’s methodologies and strategic development process, and has been actively involved in a wide range of Cult accounts including Walmart, Cardinal Health, TourismOhio, Dublin Irish Festival, Olentangy Schools, Bath & Body Works, Quantum Health, Carhartt, Big Lots, Petco, Opera Columbus, and numerous others. Doug has degrees in music and business from UT Austin, and an MBA from The Ohio State University.


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